How do you Secure a Garden Gnome?

Fill the hole in the earth where you want to bind the gnome with well-mixed cement. Cover the anchor with dirt where it is not connected to the gnome, and support the gnome with rocks or other supporting items if required to ensure that he or she settles into the...

How do you Lure & Attract Gnomes to Your Garden?

Gnomes, these caring but obstinate garden creatures, have long been portrayed as little, strong beings that like to live beneath. They are concerned about the environment. They contribute to the growth of things. Gnomes are animal protectors, and they seem to enjoy...

How do People Find Gnomes?

It is hard for people to find gnomes as they have extremely good hearing and so can hear humans approaching for miles. It is thought that gnomes are frozen if they are seen by a human and so they make it a top priority to be found. However, when one has been found it...

Where do Sick Gnomes go?

Many people respond to this question with jokes responses such as “To the elf centre” or “National elf” but where exactly would a sick gnome go to? Well, some people say that, because they are supposed to be magical creatures that they do not...

Are Gnomes Invisible?

When a Gnome spots another human or even an animal they consider to be unwanted, the gnome’s location is quickly hidden by their cap. The large mushroom-like clouds that can usually only be seen from above serve as perfect camouflage for those who stand still...