Gonks are said to protect homes throughout the Winter solstice and festive season. Called Tomte in Swedish, Nisse in Norway and Denmark and Tonttu in Finnish, these creatures have short squat bodies with pointy hats that cover their eyes, together with cute bulbous noses or long white beards!
Why are gnomes called gonks?
Gonks are the little bearded guys you find living in barns and out of doors. They’re inspired by gnomes from Scandinavian mythology, but they don’t like Christmas very much- actually this creature never had a place at Christmas time until now!
What is the origin of Gonks?
Gonks are a staple of Scandinavian and Nordic mythology. They’re meant to be something like the mix between a gnome, goblin or hobgoblin–depending on where you look! In some versions they love houses during colder seasons while in others it’s barns that capture their attention; but no matter what these curious creatures always seem drawn towards anything with an earthy tone around them- whether good or bad fortune happens along its way thanks again little guy (or gal).
What is the difference between gnomes and gonks?
Gonks are essentially festive Scandinavian gnomes – a Nordic-like interpretation of Santa Claus, if you will. With just their nose and beard peaking out from under what looks like an elf hat (just enough for them to be recognized) these little guys protect homes throughout the season with happiness! It’s worth having one or two around so that your house never lacks any joy at Christmas time.
Why do we have gonks at Christmas?
Gonks are thought to protect homes during winter solstice and the festive season.
Gonks were invented by an Englishman; Robert Benson: in the 1960s.
They are obviously based upon the Scandinavian ‘Nisse’ (the Nordic equivalent of a gnome/elf/leprechaun) but the term Gonk is certainly not used in Scandinavian lands.