by HeadGnome | Feb 17, 2022 | General, Questions
Many people respond to this question with jokes responses such as “To the elf centre” or “National elf” but where exactly would a sick gnome go to? Well, some people say that, because they are supposed to be magical creatures that they do not... by HeadGnome | Jan 5, 2022 | General, Questions
The gnome is a creature from Germanic folk tales that has been depicted as good luck charm and helps around the house. They are said to live in barn rafters, watching over their owner’s animals as well crops or garden produce. What do gnomes protect you from?... by HeadGnome | Jan 4, 2022 | General, History, Questions
The purpose of garden gnomes is to bring good luck and protect buried treasure hidden away in their owner’s yards. Originally these people were thought of protecting precious minerals that lay beneath our feet like gold ore or silver coins; nowadays you can find...