Why are Gnomes Christmas Decorations?

What do Gnomes Symbolize for Christmas? In Scandinavian countries, house Christmas gnomes are said to live under or in your home. They take on the role similar to Santa Claus and protect the inhabitants from evil spirits until recently when they became more like...

What do Christmas Gnomes Mean?

The gnomes of Scandinavia are said to live under the ground, and they have a tendency not only help but also misbehave with those that interact them. Christmas gnomes are known as nisse in Norway- where it is believed these spirits bring gifts at Christmas time! Much...

What is the Story Behind Christmas Gnomes?

The folklore of the little beings that live under our feet is ancient, dating back to 18th and 19th centuries. These gnomes were believed responsible for looking after farms while also being tasked with various chores around home; they might act out if humans...